Creek for Geek

"Being a Geek is all about learning the inventories of things."
Adam Savage
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Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2016


Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing is an upcoming technology 
that is rapidly gaining momentum - it is the process of making three dimensional 
solid nature of objects from digital files. Designers begin by building virtual models 
of the desired objects in Computer Aided Design (CAD) files with the help of a 3D 
scanner - to copy an existing item or a 3D modeling program objects - and to create a 
1: 1  or a scaled up / down model of that object.

The idea of ​​3D printing has existed for decades but not until recently have 
renowned companies like Google and Microsoft made a step into the space. 
3D scanning has particularly taken center stage, and a good example of 
hardware that can perform 3D scanning is Microsoft Kinect Fusion., as well as 
by Scanify Fuel 3d.

A lot more PC hardware brands have followed suit, and signs are that high-end 
mobile devices will soon have built-in 3D scanners. Currently, there are a variety 
3D scanners of expensive large scale ranging from industrial machines to $ 30 
DIY devices that can be used by anyone at home.


Undeniable, robots are miles away from matching the natural human level 
intelligence but what we've seen in recent years shows that soon we may be 
having artificial people. It's not going to happen in 2016, but of course at this 
rate of progress, where we may find ourselves at the end of the year as far as 
robotics and artificial intelligence are concerned remains anyone's guess.

In countries like Japan, robots have offered a significant proportion of reliable 
labor force and are used in elderly care. We've seen self-driving cars in 2015, 
and who knows, maybe soon after chefs are going to be a thing of the past.

According to experts, the next generation of robots will be extremely close 
to humans in terms of the thought process, they will be able to hear and speak, 
and express emotions, well, formulate original ideas.

While our usefulness as humans continue to lose value with the advancement of 
this technology, the thought of having a metal version of the human species 
remains a very exciting one.


Since modern virtual reality hit the market some time back in 2014, 2D video 
officially became a thing of the past with many gamers craving towards the real 
3D experience. With this upcoming technology, users are provided with a 360-degree video environment and are able to view video and gaming content like they were a "part of it".

For this to happen, a VR headset is mounted on to a digital device such as a 
smartphone, and then strapped around the head to cover the eyes. Some of the 
few successful market virtual reality headsets so far include Samsung's Gear 
VR, the Google Cardboard pocket friendly and of course the highly anticipated 
Oculus Rift, which is available for pre-order now and will ship starting March 28th.

VR technology has not yet found its peak in mass market appeal mainly due 
to little awareness dispensable and its utility, but if the growth in popularity 
the last quarter of 2015 extends to 2016, the upcoming technology could go 
mainstream with tremendous potential to be THE technology of the future.


Often muddled up with virtual reality, augmented reality (AR) is pretty much
different and oftentimes more practical when compared upcoming technology 
to VR. AR enhances what the user sees via 3D smartglasses (like Microsoft's
HoloLens) by embedding digital information into real world contexts while 
virtual reality creates immersive digital worlds in front of our eyes that behave 
in ways that mimic real world analogues.

2015 looked like the breakthrough year for AR but there were no serious signs 
that the technology would make it to the mainstream. Not until the last quarter
of the year, at least, when many IT companies announced their involvement
in this upcoming technology field. Apple Inc. in particular made ​​their intent of 
AR venturing into the market when they came up with a prototype projector AR 
back in September for which they were granted patent. Since they have not 
developed a final consumer product but the sheer move to file for patents should 
be enough to signal that augmented reality is going to be real very soon.


Internet of things is an environment in which physical objects are provided with 
the a1bility to connect and transfer data between each other over a network 
without necessarily utilizing computers to human or human to human interaction.

For the past five or so years, the internet of things has been a vital part of the 
technology world and is now firmly embedded in our lives. That said, we're 
far from fully exploiting this beautiful technology, according to experts, and 
hopefully in 2016 is going to be the breakthrough year.

A number of developments are expected to take place in the next 12 months in 
this upcoming technology field as gadget manufacturers continue to increase 
the production of wireless IP-based devices. Also the emergence of more 
natural-to- people "thing" interaction is expected to take place, and this way 
will be more usable devices through semantic modeling and voice control 
and social interplay. This way, devices with less friction interactions between 
technology and people will emerge, and this will be seen as a step towards 
the internet of things ubiquity.

Microdrones are also expected to emerge in 2016. This will be tiny personal 
drones, equipped with high-quality cameras and other smartphone capabilities, 
with which people will be able to record, store and share memorable moments 
of their lives. Other people's privacies with face jeopardy, but that may be too
a tiny setback to stop the spread.


If 2015 was good for wearable tech enthusiasts, 2016 will be better. It all 
started back in 2014 with wristbands mounted with multiple sensors for 
measuring and recording body temperatures, heart rate, speed, distance 
covered etc.

Then came a more advanced generation of devices designed to be worn around 
the wrist, the neck, the waist, the ears and other parts of the body equipped with 
sensors and additional functionalities such as GPS connection and some 
smartwatch capabilities.

2015 provided the platform for all these developments and phases thanks to market 
demand upsurge, more reliable major IT companies such as Apple, Google and 
Microsoft have entered the market, only to increase its already overwhelming 
popularity. Currently the Apple Watch - a smartwatch-cum-fitness tracker, fitness
tracker Fitbit, Jawbone, Microsoft Band and the Misfit Shine are reigning supreme
fitness tracker on the market.

According to experts, another generation of fitness trackers that can record from
bodily phenomena under the skin might hit the market in 2016. That means, the
hassle of having to strap devices on the body will be done away with, consequently 
increasing the ease of use.


microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), also called "smart matter" 
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), also called "smart matter" is 
a technology that connects small mechanical devices such as mirrors, 
gears, valves, actuators and sensors embedded in semiconductor chips 
to different computers to perform mechanical functions.

Currently, MEMS are being used in automobile airbags as accelerometers
where they've replaced less reliable yet expensive devices. An airbag can 
inflate that utilizes MEMS on the basis of detected deceleration as well as 
The physical size of the person being protected.

MEMS devices feature micro-circuitries contained in small silicon chips 
into which mechanical devices such as a sensor or a mirror have been 
manufactured. Such chips are typically manufactured in large quantities and
relatively low cost, making them a cost effective alternative for multiple purposes.

Other uses of MEMS include heating and cooling in sensor-driven systems
that are known to be highly energy efficient. They are also used in global position 
system sensors which are mounted on to courier parcels for parcel tracking and 
sensing of treatment along the way. In airplanes, are included in MEMS sensors
contained in the fabric of the wings to facilitate detection and reaction of the plane 
by changing the airflow to the wing surface resistance, consequently creating an 
array of diminutive wing flaps.

Lastly, smart matter is used in optical switching devices to enable switching of
light signals through different paths and a 20 nanosecond switching speed.

8. SMART Drones

Although the use of drones for commercial purposes is yet to be legalized in 
many countries across the world, the number of vendors and the general drone 
use of these kits has been seeing an upsurge accelerating over the past few years.

According to a report, drones will have little under 30 exhibitors at CES 2016, 
more than four times the 2015 number of vendors. Specifically what 2016 has 
in store for us as far as drones are concerned, kits are more like planes than cameras, 
as the upcoming technology evolves to make up fliers and foolhardy novice mistakes.

Lily, for example, are planning to release a waterproof drone that launches when 
tossed into the air and follows the user around as they ski, skate or even kayak. 
GoPro, camera helmet manufacturing giant, is set to deliver a model that 
called Karma sports special functionalities that the company has been hesitant to reveal.

Late in Q3 2015, Amazon released a short video of a prototype of its upcoming 
delivery drones, as the demand for a more efficient mode of package delivery 
continues to grow. All these realities could be in 2016.


Wireless electricity has been the world's long-term dream, often discussed
but never quite delivered.

In 2016 though, the use of wall sockets to juice up the smartphone and 
smartwatch batteries may be run down and replaced with wireless charging 
docks that use magnetism to transmit electricity. Wireless chargers, also 
known as inductive chargers, use a transmitter coil to produce an alternating 
current, which in turn generates a voltage in the device and the receiver coil. 
Wireless charging pads for example, can be used to charge smartphones,
Bluetooth headsets, tablets, cameras and portable power banks.

Some high end devices such as the Samsung Galaxy series, Apple iPhones
and some smartwatches are already supporting this upcoming technology.
More and more companies are designing their devices in favor of this trend, 
which facilitates efficiency, portability and faster charging, and soon corded 
chargers could be rendered useless.

10. Terahertz imaging

Terahertz imaging is a new nondestructive evaluation (NDE) method of dielectric 
Material analysis and quality control used in a number of applications ranging 
from security, pharmaceutical, biomedical, aerospace and material characterization 

Not so much a technology of the future as it is already being used at various airports 
security checkpoints around the world mainly for explosive detection. 
Cars that feature automatic sensing and collision avoidance capabilities
also use Terahertz imaging.

Like sonar or radar, terahertz imaging relays images by comparing measurements 
across a number of sensors. The arrays have to be of high density as the distance
between the different sensors is directly proportional to wavelength.

In a camera, the lens directs the incoming light in such a way that what is 
reflected by a portion of the visual scene brings about an equal of the patch 
sensor display. In imaging systems with relatively low frequencies, the incoming
beam, whether acoustic or electromagnetic, strikes each and every sensor in the array.

The distance between different sensors, as stated earlier, should not be more
than half the incoming wave's wavelength, and as long as this is kept to, the 
calculation is simple and straightforward as it only requires the inversion 
sensors' readings. Two or more possible solutions will be yielded if the sensors 
are located more than half a wavelength away from each other.

Researchers at the Research Laboratory for Electronics and MIT, in an issue
of IEEE Transactions on Antennas Propagation, describe a new method of 
reducing the number of sensors necessary for millimetre-wave or terahertz 
imaging by a factor of up to 100, making the whole more realistic upcoming 
and viable technology in the future.


If fast is 4G, 5G will be faster, and that's one more reason to relish in 2016
as it unfolds. According to researches, the new 5G network, which is already
being tested by Ericsson, Huawei and other renowned IT companies, will be 
more than 100 times faster than the current 3G and 4G networks. Verizon is 
among the few companies who have confirmed they will avail the new network 
later in 2017, but smaller mobile service providers are expected to Capitalize on 
the opportunity and bring the service to their customers as early as Q2 this year.


History has highlighted the instability and unreliability of Bitcoin, but a 
future takeover of the digital cryptocurrency can never be ruled out. Sure, 
Bitcoin has been in the middle of some serious controversies such as the 
ilk Road saga, for instance, and legalising it has been met with a lot of 
dilemma and opposition, but big financial institutions all across the world 
seem to be in support of Blockchain this technology thanks to its transparent 
and instant nature as a medium of international money transfers.


There is a variety of trends that have led to an increase in the number of 
sensors found in devices and technologies that we use in our daily lives, 
which become smarter as they collect and record data for more personal 
health, security, etc ..

According to Gartner, these sensors, which are currently being used in silos, 
will have their utility exploited even more in 2016, leading to better insights 
on more and more patterns in our daily lives.


From smart cars to robots, everything is going smarter with machine learning.
However, software based intelligence is bringing about an even greater impact
and thus it's becoming a more viable option.

Currently, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, Google Now and other Personal
Digital Assistants are becoming smarter every day and is the leading autonomous
agents of today's technology. It's only a matter of time till the voice control app 
conversations and replace the old school menus and forms.


The "hacker industry" is growing more and more advanced and (IoT) security
will be more in demand than ever in 2016. With this rate of online risk upsurge, 
classical techniques of protection are no longer sufficient.

Any upcoming technology or application in this field needs to have a self-
system while protecting organizations and businesses follow the behavior of 
their devices and the users alike, forming a security system that can undergo 
adaptive adjustment.


Also known as lighthouses, Bluetooth beacons are being installed in utility 
locations such as hotels, shopping malls, offices, hospitals and recreational 
points to detect nearby smartwatch and smartphone users and send them real 
time notifications about their services in a bid to attract passing by potential customers.

So far, only established hotels and shopping malls have been able to afford 
this technology mainly due to the high cost of purchasing and installing 4.2 
Bluetooth beacons hardware, but with a projected increase in the number of 
vendors in 2016, cheaper alternatives may be more accessible .


According to a senior analyst at Jupiter Research - a UK-based market
Research firm - powerful video games of 2016 will not rely solely on 
consoles like it presently is, but also on cloud for power. Cloud is 
believed to be more powerful and reliable than power center console 
but 2016 would be "too early" to completely switch to the cloud. 
In cloud-powered games, according to the analyst, triggered response 
for action-packed games, fighting games, for instance, will not be fast enough.

For now, gamers can only anticipate hyped Nintendo's "Nintendo NX"
as the next upcoming cloud-powered video game platform.


The gaming and music industries are becoming dependent on streaming 
services each day, and that calls for a wider bandwidth limit and technology.

Statistics show an incredible increase in the number of music streaming
service providers in 2015, and in 2016 has more to promise. A rumor has 
been making rounds that Amazon Prime Video and Netflix are planning 
to extend their services to more than 10 other countries in the Americas 
and Africa. What's more, both Nvidia and Sony announced their intent to
start offering video game streaming service to every smart device there in 2016.

Almost every video game these days comes in an unfinished form such 
that you have to download updates before you start playing, not to mention 
digital distribution companies like Valve, which solely offer digital downloads. 
This means that you have to first upgrade your broadband connection before
upgrading your gadgets, opening up space for upcoming technologies to
address these issues.


Gartner tipped the digital mesh to break into the mainstream in 2016. 
If that comes to pass, explains David Cearley, Gartner vice president, 
another upcoming technology will be pulled along: the powerful 
Neuromorphic architectures. Cearley believes that devices built on
FPGAs and GPUs will be a lot more similar to the human brain in 
pattern recognition algorithms such as deep learning.


Gartner refers to the above described sensors and devices' capacity to 
collect and record data as more contextual Ambient UX. The snafu will 
revolve around application design, level of forestalling this gadget 
synchronicity and collaboration, for lack of reliable framing. this
upcoming technology, as well as sensors and devices, according to 
Gartner, will be smart to an extent that they will be able to organize 
users' lives without their even noticing that the devices are doing so.


Some of the most exciting upcoming technologies in virtual and 
augmented reality, as well as wearable tech made their breakthrough 
into the mainstream somewhere in between the last 12 months, 2015 
and provided a great platform for that. 2016 should be better, at least 
Judging from history, and the thousands of researchers and raw viable 
ideas all across the planet should merge to make our lives in the 
foreseeable future even simpler.


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